Ohh god,let imagine,u're in cabel car and stuck on it,hang in the middle of gunung2 salji like Everest ?haha forgot wut gunung dalam movie tadi..man,shitt really.got 3 people,which is 2 of them are couple,they stop their operation bout 5 days.so,wut should u do ?
kalau aku,xtau lah..nangis taubat so and so or just pray to god let me die peacely.Ok,Yg pakwe tuh decide nak terjun untuk mintak pertolongan,so dia terjun then guess wut ? kaki dia patah lah kan..patah hingga tlang kaki nya tercacak keluar dari kakinya !.perghh.and guess again ? ofkos dia kena baham di serigala,because hes bleeding..!
1 dah mati left 2 more.then,gf si mati td salahkan kawan karib simati..she said..'you should...'..what ? yes i know u want to say that i should jump rite ?bla..bla..bla..they're fighting.and finally that girl ask for apologize..next day,waiting bout 6 hours but nobody across there.so yg laki tuh nak bergayut di tali kabel hingga sampai ke tiang then turun..yes he did it.but ? mati jua akhirnya kena baham serigala sebab tangan nya berdarah.2 dah mati tinggal sorang lagi......sampai sini je aku cerita.